A traditional cruller (or twister) is a twisted, usually
ring-shaped, fried pastry made of choux pastry and it looks somewhat
like doughnut, often topped with plain powdered sugar; powdered sugar
mixed with cinnamon; or icing.
Choux pastry is tasty pastry dough made of cooked flour, butter,
water and eggs. There is no leavening used, it rises through the action
of steam and
it is usually baked but for crullers it is fried.
The name comes from early 19th century Dutchkruller, from krullen "to
curl". Crullers are traditionally eaten in Germany and some other
European countries on Shrove Tuesday, to use up fat before Lent. In
Danish they are knowns as "Klejner" and in Swedish as "Klenäter",
names deriving from Low German. In Scandinavia crullers are common at
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