Graham Breads
One cup of wheat flour, one-half
cup of molasses, one-half cup of good yeast, one teaspoon of salt, one
pint of warm water; add sufficient Graham flour to make the dough as stiff
as can be stirred with a strong spoon; this is to be mixed at night; in
the morning, add one teaspoon of soda, dissolved in a little water; mix
well, and pour into two medium-sized pans; they will be about half full;
let it stand in a warm place until it rises to the top of the pans, then
bake one hour in a pretty hot oven.
This should be covered about
twenty minutes when first put into the oven with a thick brown paper, or
an old tin cover; it prevents the upper crust hardening before the loaf
is well-risen. If these directions are correctly followed the bread will
not be heavy or sodden, as it has been tried for years and never failed.
One pint of corn meal; pour
over enough boiling water to thoroughly scald it; when cool add one pint
of light, white bread sponge, mix well together, add one cup of molasses,
and Graham flour enough to mold; this will make two loaves; when light,
bake in a moderate oven one and a half hours.