Burnt Almond Charlotte
- One cup of sweet almonds, blanched
and chopped fine
- Half a cup of gelatine soaked in half a cup of cold water;
when the gelatine is sufficiently soaked, put three tablespoons of sugar
into a saucepan over the fire and stir until it becomes liquid and looks
- Add the chopped almonds to it and stir two minutes more; turn
it out on a platter and set aside to get cool.
- After they become cool enough
break them up in a mortar, put them in a cup and a half of milk, and cook
again for ten minutes.
- Now beat together the yolks of two eggs with a cup
of sugar, and add to the cooking mixture; add also the gelatine; stir until
smooth and well dissolved; take from the fire and set in a basin of ice-water
and beat it until it begins to thicken;
- Then add to that two quarts of
whipped cream, and turn the whole carefully into molds, set away on the
ice to become firm.
- Sponge cake can be placed around the mold or not, as