Plain Charlotte Russe
Make a rule of white sponge
cake; bake in narrow shallow pans. Then make a custard of the yolks after
this recipe. Wet a saucepan with cold water to prevent the milk that will
be scalded in it from burning. Pour out the water and put in a quart of
milk, boil and partly cool. Beat up the yolks of six eggs and add three
ounces of sugar and a 1/4 teaspoon of salt; mix thoroughly and add the lukewarm
Stir and pour the custard into a porcelain or double saucepan and
stir while on the range until of the consistency of cream; do not allow
it to boil, as that would curdle it; strain, and when almost cold add two
teaspoons of vanilla.
Now, having arranged your cake (cut into inch slices)
around the sides and on the bottom of a glass dish, pour over the custard.
If you wish a meringue on the top, beat up the whites of four eggs with
four tablespoons of sugar; flavor with lemon or vanilla, spread over the
top and brown slightly in the oven.