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Italian Egg Dishes


Beat four eggs, whites and yolks together. Add one tablespoon of milk or cream, salt and pepper, one tablespoon of grated Parmesan cheese, and a little chopped-up parsley. 

With this make three or four omelettes about the thickness of a ten-cent piece. As the omelettes
are finished lay them on a napkin to cool; then cut them transversely into strips about one-quarter of an inch wide. 

Then put the strips into a saucepan with some heated butter. Heat them through thoroughly
and serve with grated cheese and the following meat sauce poured over them:


Chop up some ham fat with a little onion, celery, carrot, and parsley.

Add a small piece of beef and cook until beef is well colored. Then add 1-1/2 tablespoons of red wine (or white), cook until wine is absorbed, then add one tablespoon of tomato paste diluted with water, or four fresh tomatoes, and boil fifteen minutes.