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Marinata di Cervello alla Villeroy (Calf's Brains)
Ingredients: Calf's brains, stock, Bechamel sauce, eggs, butter, lemon, forcemeat of fowl, flour.

Boil a calf's or sheep's brain in good stock, wipe it well, and cut it up. 

Reduce a pint of Bechamel (No. 3), and add to it the yolks of three eggs, an ounce of butter, and the juice of a lemon. 

When it boils throw in the cut-up brain; let it cool, then take out the brain and form it into little balls about the size of a small walnut. 

Make a forcemeat of fowl, and add a dessert spoonful of flour to it, and spread it out very thin on a paste-board, and into this wrap the balls of brain, each separately. 

Dip them into a Pasta Marinate, and fry them a golden brown.

By Mrs. W.G.Waters from the Cook's Decameron: A Study In Taste


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