di Cappone (Chicken Souffle)
1 chicken
Bechamel sauce
2 tablespoons semolina flour
1 large potato
Salt to taste
Smoked tongue
or ham.
- Prepare a puree of chicken
or turkey and a small quantity of grated tongue or ham, and whilst you
are pounding the meat add some good gravy or stock.
- Make a Bechamel
sauce and add two table-spoonsful of semolina flour, a boiled potato and
salt to taste, boil it up and add the puree of fowl, then let it get nearly
cold, add yolks of eggs and the white beaten up into a snow (for one pint of the puree use
the yolks of three eggs.)
- Pour the whole mixture into a buttered souffle case,
and half an hour before serving put it in a moderate oven and serve hot.
NOTE: You can use game instead of chicken, and serve in little souffle cases.