di Vitello alla Sanseverino
(Calf's Head)
Calf's head,
sweetbread, fowl's liver, anchovies, herbs, capers, garlic, bacon, ham,
Malmsey or Muscat.
- Boil and bone half a calf's
head, and fill it with a stuffing made of half a pound of sweetbread, a
fowl's liver, two anchovies, a teaspoonful of chopped herbs, a few chopped
capers, and the calf's brains.
- Roll the head up, stitch it together and
braize it in half a tumbler of Malmsey or Australian Muscat (Burgoyne's),
half a cup of very good white stock,
some bits of ham and bacon, and a clove of garlic with two cuts. Cook it
gently for four hours and serve it with its own sauce. Do not leave the
garlic in longer than ten