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Timballo Alla Romana
Ingredients:  Cold fowl, game, or sweetbread, butter, lard, flour, Parmesan, truffles, macaroni, onions, cream.

Make a light paste of two ounces of butter, two of lard, and half a pound of flour, and put it in the larder for two hours. 

In the meantime boil a little macaroni and let it get cold, then line a plain mould with the paste, and fill it with bits of cut-up fowl, or game, or sweetbread, bits of truffle cut in small dice, grated Parmesan, and a little chopped onion. 

Put these ingredients in alternately, and after each layer add enough cream to moisten.

Fill the mould quite full, then roll out a thin paste for the top and press it well together at the edges to keep the cream from boiling out.Bake it in a moderate oven for an hour and a half, turn it out of the mould, and serve with a rich brown sauce.

Decorate the top with bits of red tongue and truffles cut into shapes or with a little chopped pistacchio nut.

By Mrs. W.G.Waters from the Cook's Decameron: A Study In Taste


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