Custard Pie
Custard pie is made with
the usual proportion of milk and eggs necessary for thickening. A dash
of nutmeg is considered to improve the flavor and it also makes the surface
of the pie a little more attractive.
1 Easy Pie Pastry mixture
3 eggs
3 cups milk
3/4 cup sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
Prepare Easy Pie Pastry mixture,
cover and refrigerate.
Beat the eggs slightly and add
the milk, sugar, salt, and vanilla.
Partly bake the crust for the
custard, but remove it from the oven before it has begun to get crisp.
Pour in the custard, place in
a moderate oven, and bake until a knife will come out clean when inserted.
The custard should by no means
be overbaked, as the result will be the same curding that occurs in an
ordinary baked custard.
TIPS: In baking custard, pumpkin
or squash pies, you should not let mixture to be absorbet by the paste.
To avoid that common problem, always partly bake the paste first, that
way the mixture cannot be absorbed by the paste.
The crust for a custard
pie should always be baked in a deep pan.
When stewed fruit is used
the filling should be perfectly cool when put in, or it will make the bottom
crust sodden.