Dried Fruit Pies
Dried fruits may be used very
successfully for pies if they are properly prepared. At any time that it
is impossible to obtain fresh fruits and no fruits have been canned for
pie making, dried fruits will prove to be very satisfactory.
Dried apples,
apricots, peaches, prunes, and raisins make delicious pies. With the
of raisins, for which a special Raisin Pie recipe is given, the same
directions may
be used for any of the pies made with dried fruits. Just follow
directions for preparation and you will enjoy your tasty homemade pie
any time you want.
- Look the fruit over carefully,
wash, and put in sufficient warm water to cover. Soak overnight.
- Put to
cook in the water in which the fruit has been soaked and simmer slowly
until tender. Sweeten to taste. The filling is then ready for a pie.
- Fill
the lower crust with the stewed fruit, add about 2 tablespoons of flour,
unless a large quantity of juice is used, when more flour will be necessary.
- Cover with a top crust, and bake in a hot oven.