This is a difficult joint for a beginner, but after a little study and
practice one may manipulate it with dexterity. Some time when a lamb
stew or fricassee is to be prepared, study the joint carefully and
practice cutting it up, and thus become familiar with the position of
the shoulder-blade joint,—the only one difficult to reach. The backbone
should always be disjointed. The ribs should be divided across the
breast and at the junction of the breast-bone, and the butcher should
also remove the shoulder-blade and the bone in the leg.
Unless the joint
be very young and tender, it is better to use the breast portion for a
stew or fricassee; but when nice and tender the breast may be roasted
with the other portions, as the choice gelatinous morsels near the
breast-bones are preferred by many. This joint consists of three
portions,—the shoulder or knuckle, the breast or brisket, and the ribs.
Put it on the platter with the backbone up. Put the fork in near the
knuckle. Cut through the flesh clear round the leg and well up on the
shoulder, but not too far on the breast. With the fork lift the leg away
from the shoulder, cutting in till you come to the joint, after
separating which, remove the leg to
a separate dish, to be afterward
cut into thin slices through the thickest part. Cut across from left to
right where the ribs have been broken, separating the gristly breast
from the upper portion. Then remove the blade if it has not been done
before cooking. Divide each of these portions between the ribs, and
serve a piece of the rib, the breast, or a slice from the leg, as