Classic Apple Pie
For classic apple pie, the
apples may be cut in as large or as small pieces as desired. However, it
is best to cut them into thick slices or about sixteenths, that is, to
cut each quarter into four pieces. If the apples are very juicy, a little
flour mixed with the sugar and sprinkled over them will help to thicken
the juice, but usually this is not necessary. A little butter dotted over
the apples before the top crust is put on also helps to improve the flavor.
1 Plain
Pie Pastry mixture
1 quart apples
1/2 to 3/4 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon or 1/4 teaspoon
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Prepare Plain
Pie Pastry paste according to directions given in recipe.
After the pan has been covered
with the paste, peel the apples, cut them into pieces of the desired size,
and place them into the paste in sufficient quantity to heap the pan.
Sprinkle the apples with the
sugar, to which has been added the nutmeg or the cinnamon. Sprinkle lightly
with salt, add 1 teaspoonful of lemon juice, and, if the apples seem dry,
a few tablespoonfuls of water. Dot with butter, wet the edges of the under
crust, and place the top crust in position.
Bake for about 45 minutes in
a moderate oven.
NOTE: In the process
of cooking, there will be a certain amount of shrinkage caused by the apple
juice filling in the spaces as the apples cook and soften; therefore, in
order to have a pie thick enough when it is baked, the apples must be heaped
in the pan before baking.
Pastry made according to the
accompanying directions is the kind that is most frequently used. It requires
only a medium amount of shortening, and wheat flour is used in its preparation.
It is very satisfactory for any kind of pie desired.
1½ cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup shortening
1/4 to 3/8 cup ice water
Pastry Preparation:
Sift the flour and salt into
a mixing bowl.
Chop the shortening into the
flour with fork, knives or any tool you like to use.
When the fat has been chopped
into pieces the size of a small pea, add sufficient cold water to make
all the particles adhere, mixing them together with a pastry blender or
knife. There should not be enough water added to make the paste stick to
either the bowl or the knife.
Divide the mass into halves
and press each into a round piece with the fingers. Flour the board slightly
and roll out about 1/8 inch thick for the pie crust.
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